A House of Hope, Hospitality and Healing

You just had your first child. A beautiful baby boy…..6 weeks early and only 3 lbs. You’re told that the newest addition of your family will have to stay in the hospital for another 4 weeks or until he’s healthy enough to leave. What do you do? You can’t imagine leaving your child but you can’t stay in the hospital. Where would you sleep? On a reception chair? What would you eat? Take out for every meal? Just as you’re about to give up crying in a heap on the floor a social worker tells you about the JW House. Just steps from the hospital, this facility provides a place for you and your husband to stay while your child goes through their treatment.

Whether you just need an hour away from the tubes, medical machines and doctors or a room for the night, the JW House provides families with a place to stay while their loved ones go through treatment. They accept day guests as well as overnight guests both of which are welcomed and treated like family throughout their stay with hot meals, a place to rest for a bit and an escape before heading back to the hospital helping to make their time there a little less stressful.

The Intero Foundation has been honored to support them through the years including a grant of $3,000 given in 2014. Check out what makes this a magical place full of hope, hospitality and healing.

Foundation Spotlight - JW House
Foundation Spotlight - JW House

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The organization is always looking donations and volunteers. Find out more about how you can help HERE.