The Greatest Reward is Giving Back

I cannot begin to express how blessed I feel to be a part of an organization who is giving back to the community…and especially helping to make the lives of so many children better.  On Wednesday, The Intero Foundation presented a grant in the amount of $10,000.00 to the Jose Valdes Math Foundation.  Their focus is on middle school students who are below or far below basic grad level standards in math.  By not intervening to get these young students back on track, they will not only fail in math but will fail to graduate from high school.  Stepping in and assisting on this very basic level of learning impacts their lives immensely.

Sometimes I believe we all forget how blessed we are to be educated…to have had the gentle hand of our parents and teachers there guiding us, pushing us to do better and be better.  Some children, and more than I would like to imagine, are not so blessed.  Getting to school and staying in school is a huge challenge.  Whereas graduating and moving onto college was never considered an option for me or my sister, for many children just getting their high school diploma is a significant milestone for their entire family.

To have been so blessed to be with Intero Real Estate Services and to have found a path to a success in listing and selling homes in the Bay Area, I have been fortunate and able to find creative ways to donate to the Intero Foundation.   Knowing that every dollar I am able to donate goes to make the life of some impressionable child better – my eyes well up and my heart swells.  A book to read, a bike to ride or for a teacher to turn the spark of an eager mind into a bright shining light.  Every bit for every dollar matters.  All of us reading this have had pivotal moments in our growing up years that make a lasting impression on our hearts and minds that guide us our entire lives.  Can you even imagine where you would be today without those moments?  I know I cannot.

So on behalf of the entire Intero family who go the extra mile and give to The Intero Foundation and to those who donate their time and energy to run our fundraising events and make sure each grant recipient is taken care of – Congratulations to the Jose Valdes Math Foundation for all your great work in bringing confidence and self-esteem to the young minds in our community…because they are our future.

You can find out more about the great programs of the Jose Valdes Math Foundation at

Jose Valdes Math Foundation Check Presentation 10-22-13
Jose Valdes Math Foundation Check Presentation 10-22-13