Way to go Team Intero!

ewaste 3-16-13
ewaste 3-16-13
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ewaste 3-16-13 2

When it comes to the Intero Foundation events, you can always count on Intero Agents to jump in and participate however they can.  Whether promoting our most recent e-waste recycling opportunity to the community or volunteering for a shift during recycling hours, this kind of teamwork is what helped us collect over 8,500 pounds of electronic waste on March 16th  in front of the Intero Saratoga office.  Intero teamed up with Earthcare Recycling of San Jose to help people in the community properly dispose of old printers, TV’s, monitors, computers, etc….all while helping to raise $430 for the Intero Foundation.   Many Intero offices, including the Los Altos and Willow Glen offices, have also held e-waste recycling events over the past few years, with the proceeds being donated directly to the Intero Foundation.   Way to go Team Intero!