Proud Supporter

I am a proud supporter of the Intero Foundation. One of the most impressive things about our organization for me is that we do not support just one particular cause or organization, but, rather, we are able to provide the resources to help many local charities in need. Through every real estate transaction an Intero agent is involved in, we have the option to donate a portion of our commission to the Foundation upon the close of the transaction. Additionally, our agents offer their time to help make a difference in the communities we live and work in by volunteering for various fundraising events. Each grant that the Foundation receives from local charities is carefully reviewed to ensure money and other resources reach the causes most vital to the children in need in our communities. Given the financial hardships we are facing as a nation, nonprofit organizations are in even greater need of support from outside sources. At the Intero Foundation, we are committed to aiding these organizations, ensuring their vital and important work is not hindered. Nisha Sharma, Foundation Member